The key to good health is not a cookie-cutter formula; it lies in the perfect alignment of your unique mental, physical, and emotional conditions. And that’s precisely what cloudcure is all about.
$75 (includes your evaluation, lab work, and first consultation).
Sign up today and enjoy at least a full month of access free, before your monthly charges begin.
$69/month (starts only after your free month).
Sign up on December 15th, pay only $75 for your evaluation. Your $69 membership fee won’t start until January 15th-giving you free access for up to a month!
Cost of medication not included (billed separately). Prescriptions and treatments are offered based on the professional judgement of the clinician.
Here’s what to expect as you progress through this program, from starting to sustaining a healthy lifestyle.
Once you've successfully completed our eligibility test, we'll connect you with one of our certified medical advisors, who will take the time to listen to your medical history, allergies, and personal goals, ensuring a personalized approach. We then help you schedule a comprehensive blood test to gain deeper insights into your unique health needs.
With these valuable results, our compassionate medical team will prescribe medications tailored specifically to your condition, providing you with the best possible care to support your overall well-being.
You'll meet with a member from the cloudcure Coaching Team, who will serve as a key support figure in your journey, providing personalized support and guidance on forming healthy habits focusing on nutrition, exercise, sleep and mental wellness.
During the bi-weekly coaching sessions, you'll also learn more about the psychological causes that might have contributed to your condition, and the tips on how to cultivate a more positive mindset to facilitate your progress.
Your body and mind require time to adapt to the lifestyle changes you're making.
During this transitional phase, our dedicated team will be there for you every step of the way. We are committed to ensuring that you not only adjust well to the medication but also providing the comprehensive support you need, both mentally and physically, to continue your journey towards better health.
Consistency is key to success.
Our dedicated Coaching Team is committed to providing you with timely support and assistance whenever you need it. We will be by your side, ensuring you stay on the right track and steadily progress towards achieving your health goals.
Our programming is customized to fit your unique lifestyle, speaking your language and embracing diverse cultures, foods and preferences.
Dive into our frequently asked questions to learn more about cloudcure.
Generally, the following individuals may qualify for the program: Aged 18+, with a BMI of 27 and an associated health condition. Other factors may be taken into consideration by the clinician, such as pregnancy, eating disorders, medical history and availability in your region. Simply take our quick quiz to see if you are eligible for our programs!
Cloudcure programs combine psychology-based curriculum, effective medical treatments and ongoing support. Some plans may also offer highly effective coaching, which can help maintain long-term weight loss success. The process consists of a few simple steps:
Medication results vary depending on a number of factors including the patient's biology, lifestyle, psychological and environmental factors. Studies show that patients may lose up to 15% of their body weight in programs with certain medications, along with lifestyle change.
Cloudcure is a clinician-guided metabolic health program designed and supported by a multi-disciplinary medical team. Our program does not advocate dieting or restrictions and instead focuses on realistic, incremental lifestyle changes that can be sustained for long-term success with weight loss.
With cloudcure, you can start prioritizing your health today without wait or referrals, addressing health concerns early on before they snowball into something bigger.